Deadly Premonition Wiki

Hello, fellow Wiki-goers! This is Lady Sorcha, and I want to give you guys an update about the doings here at the Deadly Premonition Wiki.

First, I would like to apologize for the lack of content over the past few months. I was bombarded with video game conferences and conventions, a couple of which I had to present material at. Now that those are out of the way, expect a more consistent posting schedule.

I'd like to thank the handful of people who have kept the site's numbers up, especially those who have been working on edits for the Character sections. They all need some work and I appreciate the efforts everyone has put forth.

As far as new material goes, I have the next couple of Chapter/Episode summaries typed up. Once they have been edited, I will post them in the Gameplay sections. I believe the Weapons sections are also nearing completion. Thanks to everyone who filled in the gaps there. My next goal is to work on the Locations.

I would also like to place a call out to all my editors out there. I would really like to create a SWERY page, but I only have links to a couple of pages and interviews that I can use for information. If anyone knows of additional places where I can go (in English please!) then please leave me a note on my Admin page.

Thanks again, and keep up the great writing/editing work!

-Lady Sorcha